Monday, February 20, 2006

Thorpe stand alone

#2 posting 2.20.2006

Today former Osseo coach Dave Thorpe has the whole second posting to himself. Today's topic is officiating.

"I have always appreciated chatting with officials and realize they are a big part of the game and generally work hard and do a good job. Let's remember players and coaches and especially parents are not objective in regards to officials.

"However, I did feel that the girls were shortchanged when it came to officials. Many times they would get the rookies or the guys like me in the twilight of their career and would have difficulty getting up and down the court. I did some checking and was saddened to find out why. The reason I was given was that in the associations handling the conferences many of the better officials said they will not do girls games. Come on!! This is modern history.

"I asked an attorney if it was legal to make decisions on gender?? The answer I got was no. Would these same officials say they would not do teams of a certain color or race. If I was a head of an association I hope I would distribute games randomly and professional refs would take them regardless of boys or girls games. Because the high school league is ultimately responsible for decisions made because of public schools are involved I met with them. They agreed I was correct but the reply was we will have the associations talk to their refs. Also they said "would you want someone doing girls games who didn’t want to??" Come on do the right thing and stop the spin!!!! Why should girls get poorer refs for their games than boys??

"I am now in Florida enjoying the golf and sunshine but I wish someone would follow through and see the associations would not allow their officials to pick their games based on gender. Our girls coaches and athletes work just as hard as the boys and deserve equal respect. If associations don’t agree get groups that will."

Next up out & about close to 10:30 pm