#2 posting 8.18.2008
your daily dose of girls basketball news & information
LINZ VERBALSHannah Linz of Eden Valley-Watkins has verballed North Dakota State. The 5-8 guard averaged 27.6 points per game and 8 rebounds for the 24-4 Eagles last year.
Linz was first team AP All State, first team All Area on the St. Cloud Times, and All Conference in the Central Minnesota this past winter.
Linz played her summer ball with MN Stars Borowicz.
Linz is the 22nd player overall in the Minnesota 2009 class to verbal and the 14th headed to a D1 program.
NDSU has been busy in recent days with Janae Burich verballing last night and Paige Beck verballing last week. Earlier this summer Danielle DeGagne made a verbal. Last fall Rachelle Eckmann verballed the Bison.
Photo: Linz at the North Tartan Meltdown. photo by kja.
Next up: tomorrow morning.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Linz Verbals
Hannah Linz,