#2 posting 5.3.2006
Jonas Buegen resigned as coach at Champlin Park. He will be taking a principal/manager job in district 916 and will not be able to continue. Buegen's record was 59-50 in four years including a 23-5 record this season. CP won the Northwest Suburban title this year.
This makes 18 positions available right now in Minnesota. I am still trying how to figure out how to put a self referencing link so people can see all the jobs open throughout the coverage area. I hope to get it up by the weekend.
Purdue's new coach Versyp has been aggressive out of the gate looking for players. Brittany Rayburn, a sophomore has verballed and Kristen Dockery has been offered. Here is more from the Journal & Courrier article http://www.jconline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060502/SPORTS02010202/605020342
When news is breaking, I'll get it up.
Next up: tomorrrow afternoon