Saturday, December 08, 2007

AA Tips Off in South Dakota

#3 posting 12.8.2007
your daily dose of girls basketball news & information

Sioux Falls Washington beat Sturgis 61-32. Sioux Falls Lincoln used 32 turnovers by Spearfish for good effect in a 61-40 win. Pierre is one of the favorites this year in AA and they rolled Mitchell 66-35. From the Rapid City Journal and Mitchell Republic.

Sioux Falls Roosevelt opened up with a win over Rapid City Central

The AA State race with the Eastern South Dakota Conference is examined in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.

I couldn't find anyone with over 22 points last night in SD, and I didn't receive any updates.

Thanks to the readers for the help. If I am missing any paraders, go to my profile and email me.

next up: Iowa